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Twilio integration

You can send SMS messages to your clients directly from your Bitrix24 CRM using Twilio integration.

Twilio integration allows you to send messages from your Bitrix24 CRM. This is one-way integration, you cannot receive messages from your clients.

Create a new Twilio account

First, you need to create a new Twilio account (in case you don't have one already).

Go to > click the Sign up button at the top right corner.

Complete the form and click the Start your free trial button.

Go to your email inbox to verify your email address.

Specify your phone number and click Verify. Then enter the verification code that has been sent to the specified number.

You will be redirected to the Twilio console, where you can get a new Twilio phone number. Click Get a Trial Number.

You will see your new Twilio phone number in a pop-up window. Click Choose this Number.

Click Done.

Then click the button with three dots > Programmable Messaging.

Click Settings > Geo Permissions and select locations you're going to send SMS messages to.

Navigate to the Twilio Console Dashboard and copy your ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN.

Configure Bitrix24 and Twilio integration

Go to Sales Center > SMS Provider.

Select the unit

Enter your ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN of your Twilio account in the appropriate fields and click Connect.

Once Twilio is connected to your Bitrix24, you can start sending SMS messages from your Bitrix24 CRM.

How it works

To send messages from Bitrix24, open a CRM element (lead, deal, contact or company), go to the SMS section, enter the message text and click Send.

Please note that if you use the Twilio demo version you can send SMS to verified numbers only. If you want to send messages to any number, please upgrade your Twilio account.

In case you have several Twilio numbers connected to Bitrix24 CRM, you will be able to choose the number from which SMS will be sent.

How to reset the Twilio integration

You can reset Twilio integration by clicking CRM > Settings > Integration > SMS Notifications via Click the cogwheel button > Reset settings.

You have been suspended

If your account is blocked, you need to contact Twilio Technical Support.

First, check your email. After registering, you may receive an email from Twilio tech support with a request to describe your use of the service in a reply email. Your account will be activated within 24 hours after receiving a reply.

If your account is blocked, you can not contact tech support from your personal account. In this case, log out of your account and ask a question to tech support through the pop-up window.

To do this, press TALK TO SUPPORT

State your question in a special window, scroll through the list of ready answers, click Contact Support and fill out the contact form.

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