
Add a resource to Booking section

Bitrix24 Booking is a tool for customers to make appointments with specialists, rent rooms, equipment, etc.

All employees of your Bitrix24 account can create and edit resources.

Go to the Booking section and click Add a resource.

Select your industry

Choose the option that fits your business area:

  • Medical practitioners — doctor appointments, cosmetologists and health diagnostics.
  • Equipment rental — construction, sports, or event equipment, etc.
  • Expert services— all types of counseling, repair work, beauty salon services.
  • Car rental — cars and special vehicles.
  • Property rental — banquet halls, apartments, houses, photo studios and so on.
  • Other — select this option if you don't have the desired business area in the list.

Configure the resource

Name. Enter the first and the last name of the specialist or any important information for the client.

Type. Select it from the list or create a new one: write its name and tap Create custom type.

View mode. Select how the resource is displayed:

  • Show in grid column header — the resource is always visible in the schedule. Suitable for the main resources that customers book: specialists or rental cars.

  • Show as an auxiliary resource — resource is not shown in the schedule. It can only be selected as an additional resource to the main one. For example, if the main resource is a doctor, the additional resource can be a room.

Resource availability. Specify when the resource is available for booking. To make the resource available for booking only during company working hours, enable the Use company's business hours option. You can specify the days and time of work.

Record duration. Define how long the record will last for the resource by default.

Booking notification

Enable and customize notifications that will be sent to the client via SMS or WhatsApp.

  • Message to the client about the appointment - a notification, with the date, the time of the appointment and the resource name.
  • Automatic appointment confirmation - a message with a link to confirm the visit.
  • Reminder of appointment - notification to the client on the day of the appointment.
  • Reminder when a client is late - a message will be sent to the client if you don't confirm their visit within five minutes of the appointment time.

Click Create Resource.

Edit and delete a resource

Select the desired resource in the schedule and click on the dots. You can delete the resource or change its settings, such as changing the doctor's schedule. If the resource cannot be booked temporarily, hide it. For example, if the doctor goes on vacation.

    In brief:

  • Bitrix24 Booking is a tool for customers to make appointments with specialists, rent rooms, equipment, etc.

  • First, you need to create and configure resources.

  • All Bitrix24 employees can create and edit resources.

  • Select the resource type, customize its settings and enable notifications for clients.

  • When you have created resources, you can select them for customer records.

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