
BI Builder datasets: Employees, company structure, and calls

Datasets contain information on employees, company structure, calls, and other items. Each item has multiple datasets that automatically include both standard and custom fields. Use these datasets to create charts and analyze business performance indicators.

In this article, we'll explore datasets for employees, company structure, and calls. Learn how to blend them and how to create charts.




To start analyzing data on a dashboard, select a dataset and create a chart based on it.

Employees — user: This dataset provides information about employees, including their activity status, departments, and positions within the company. Use it to calculate the number of employees and analyze the company structure.

Employees — user

Field Description Data type
ID Unique key Number
ACTIVE Shows whether the user is on staff ("Y") or dismissed ("N") String
NAME User name String
DEPARTMENT Department position in the company hierarchy is shown as [ID] Company name / Company department, starting with the root department, which is the company name. String
DEPARTMENT_IDS IDs of all departments the employee is in String
DEPARTMENT_ID ID of the department the employee is in String
DEPARTMENT_NAME Name of the department the employee is in String
DEPARTMENT_ID_NAME ID and name of the department the employee is in String
DEP1 Name of the first level department in the structure String
DEP2 Name of the second level department in the structure String
DEP3 Name of the third level department in the structure String
DEP1_ID ID of the first level department in the structure String
DEP2_ID ID of the second level department in the structure String
DEP3_ID ID of the third level department in the structure String
DEP1_N ID and name of the first level department in the structure String
DEP2_N ID and name of the second level department in the structure String
DEP3_N ID and name of the third level department in the structure String

Company structure — org_structure: This dataset contains data about company departments, such as their names, types, statuses, and links to other departments. You can view active and inactive departments, identify their supervisors, and track changes in the company structure.

Company structure — org_structure

Field Description Data type
ID Department ID in the company structure Number
ACTIVE Shows whether the department is active ("Y") or not ("N") String
NAME Department name String
ID_NAME Department ID and name String
TYPE Type in the structure: DEPARTMENT - department, COMPANY - company, TEAM - cross-functional team String
PARENT_ID Parent department ID Number
ID_PARENT_NAME Parent department ID and name String
HEAD_ID Department supervisors' IDs String

Calls — telephony_call: This dataset includes information about calls, such as agent IDs, customer phone numbers, and call types. You can analyze each call's duration and link calls to customers, deals, and leads.

Calls — telephony_call

Field Description Data type
CALL_ID Unique key String
PORTAL_USER Agent ID and name String
PORTAL_USER_DEPARTMENT Agent's department in the company structure String
PORTAL_NUMBER Agent's extension number linked with the call String
PHONE_NUMBER Customer's phone number String
CALL_TYPE Call type: 1 - outgoing, 2 - incoming, 3 - forwarded incoming, 4 - callback Number
CALL_DURATION Call duration in seconds Number
CALL_START_TIME Call start time Date
CALL_STATUS_CODE Call code String
CALL_STATUS_CODE_ID Call result code String
CALL_STATUS_CODE_NAME Call result description String
CALL_STATUS_REASON Call code description String
RECORD_FILE_ID Call recording file ID Number
CALL_VOTE Call rating (available only for internal calls) Number
COST Call cost Number
COST_CURRENCY Call currency String
CRM_ENTITY_ID ID of the CRM item to which the activity is bound Number
CRM_ENTITY_TYPE Type of CRM item to which the activity is bound, like lead or deal String
CRM_ACTIVITY_ID ID of the CRM activity created based on the call Number
REST_APP_ID External telephony integration application ID Number
REST_APP_NAME External telephony integration application name String
TRANSCRIPT_PENDING Shows whether the transcript is ready ("N") or still in progress ("Y") String
TRANSCRIPT_ID Call transcript ID Number
REDIAL_ATTEMPT Number of dial attempts Number
COMMENT Call comment String

How to create a chart

Use datasets to create charts and track how many incoming and outgoing calls each employee has. The charts will display call trends and their average duration.

Go to the BI Builder and follow these steps:

  1. Open the Charts tab.
  2. Click + Chart.
  3. Select the dataset from the list. If you don't see the one you need, click Add a dataset to create a new one.
    How to create a dataset
  4. Choose a format for showing the data: big number, table, line chart, or others.
  5. Click Create new chart.

How to blend datasets

Combine data about calls and employees to see employees who made calls, their department, and how long each call lasted.

Go to the BI Builder and do the following:

  1. Go to SQL > SQL Lab.
  2. Select the bitrix24 scheme.
  3. Enter the SQL query and click Run.

The new set includes information from the fields that you specified in the SQL query. You can save it as a dataset to create a chart for the dashboard.
Create a chart based on a virtual dataset

If you're blending datasets for the first time, refer to the sample query.

Example of an SQL query

Here's an SQL query to extract data from two datasets: employees (user) and calls (telephony_call). The query will show data about the employee's calls, including their name, department, and each call duration. Replace the employee ID with the needed one before running the query.

    NAME AS "User name",
    DEPARTMENT_NAME AS "Department name",
    CALL_DURATION AS "Call duration"

SELECT: Chooses which data to extract. For example, the SELECT NAME AS "User name" part does the following:

  • Selects the user name NAME from the user dataset
  • Assigns it the name User name
  • Displays the result in a separate column

FROM: Specifies the main table for the query, such as the telephony_call table containing information about calls.

LEFT JOIN: Connects the telephony_call table to user. The query connects calls to employees' data.

WHERE: Filters the query results to show only a specific employee's calls. The condition WHERE PORTAL_USER_ID = 5; shows calls made by the employee with that ID. To view calls from all employees, remove the WHERE condition.

In brief

  • Datasets contain information on employees, company structure, calls, and other items.

  • Each item has multiple datasets that automatically include both standard and custom fields.

  • There are three datasets for employees, company structure, and calls: employees (user), company structure (org_structure), and calls (telephony_calls).

  • Use datasets to create charts and track how many incoming and outgoing calls each employee has. The charts will display call trends and their average duration.

  • Blend datasets to find out which employees call more often and how long their calls last. To do this, write an SQL query, save the result as a dataset, and create a chart.

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