REST API overview

Lesson 4 out of 29

What is REST API and why would you need one?

REST API is a set of methods that can be requested through a standard HTTP request. In other words, this is an API (application programming interface) that you can use during programming in any web development language as well as in most of the traditional programming languages.

REST API overview

1 min

Using REST, you can add, modify, or remove data in various elements inside Bitrix24: CRM, tasks, chats, and so on.

You can write your own code that will react to any change in the data inside Bitrix24 almost in real time.

Using specific requests, you can build your own, custom widgets into Bitrix24 interface. Later on, I will show you how it can be easily done, based on a couple of examples.

Since our REST API features quite a lot of methods, in addition to this course, you might want to study REST API methods in external sources.

Links to some of them are provided below.


Lesson materials:

  • REST API Guide read
  • Bitrix24 Applications read
  • Bitrix24 Bot platform read