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Create a flow

Use Flows to collect department or project tasks and distribute them to performers.

Bitrix24 Flows: Get started

Create and find tasks in Flows

Distribute tasks in the Flow

Go to the Tasks and Projects section - Flows.

There are two ways to create a Flow: add a new one or select a ready-made template. The examples already have a name, a description, and a task template for the Flow. Click Create Flow or select a template.

Go to the Flow settings.

Fill in the information about the Flow

  1. Add name and description.
  2. Add employees who will be able to set tasks in the Flow.
  3. Specify the Planned completion time - in hours, days or months. The same deadline will automatically appear in all tasks of the Flow.

Configure Flow

  1. Choose how to distribute tasks to employees: automatically or manually.
  2. Configure additional options for tasks: allow the assignee to change the deadline, notify about the deadline, send for review to the creator.
  3. Select a project for the Flow.
  4. Slide the switch for colleagues to create tasks in the Flow based on a template only.
You can bind several Flows to one project.
If you do not specify a project, Bitrix24 will create it automatically.

Configure the control

  1. Specify an administrator to control the Flow. He or she will receive notifications on tasks and changes settings.
  2. Set up notifications for changes in Flow tasks: overload and low efficiency of the team. If efficiency drops, the Flow funnel will turn red.
  3. Click Create Flow.

To edit, disable, or delete a Flow, click menu and select an action. The Disable option temporarily suspends the Flow and colleagues will not be able to assign tasks to it. You can re-enable the Flow in the future.

    In brief:

  • Use Flows to collect department or project tasks and distribute them to performers.

  • There are two ways to create a Flow: add a new one or select a ready-made template.

  • Choose how to distribute tasks to employees: automatically or manually.

  • The Flow administrator monitors the team's work.

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Bitrix24 Flows: Get started Create and find tasks in Flows Distribute tasks in the Flow