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Payment for Bitrix24 Telephony

From September 15, 2021, payment for communication services is made via the Voximplant account. Voximplant Inc. will be the funds recipient.

In your Bitrix24, go to CRM > Add-ons > Telephony > Connection and click Top Up.

You will be taken to the Voximplant Billing page.

On the Voximplant billing page, go to the Make payment tab. You can top up the balance using use the bank card payment option or via PayPal.

The maximum top-up amount per day is 30 USD, and the minimum payment is 10 USD. Maximum spend per day is 100 USD.

To expand the limits, please contact Voximplant support service at

When applying to the support service, you need to specify your Username and Account Number. They are located in the upper right corner of the Voximplant account.

Select the top-up method, and the amount and make payment. You will get a receipt on the email specified in the billing address. It is a notification that the funds have been successfully added to the balance.

Auto-charge from a bank card

Save your bank card in the Make payment tab.

Auto payment from the card will be available after the first successful payment. After that, you need to enable the Auto-charge option and specify the amount and the minimum balance.


You can disable the Auto-charge option at any time.

The maximum top-up amount per day is 30 USD, and the minimum payment is 10 USD. Maximum spend per day is 100 USD.

To expand the limits, please contact Voximplant support service at

When applying to the support service, you need to specify your Username and Account Number. They are located in the upper right corner of the Voximplant account.

A call cost

Go to the Transactions tab on the Voximplant billing page.


In the Transactions on hold tab, you can find reserved expenses until their payment is confirmed.

In Bitrix24 account, go to CRM > Add-ons > Telephony > Call details and enable the Cost column. The calls can be filtered by cost, employee, etc.

Read more in the article - Telephony charges.


Why are funds deducted from the balance if I switched to a Free plan?

Funds are automatically deducted from your balance when there is an expenditure. It may take place only due to the renewal of the rented number on the Free plan.

If you switch to a Free plan, you cannot make calls, but the rented number is still yours.

To stop the auto-charge of funds, you need to disable the rented number in Bitrix24.

Are there any alternative ways to pay for telephony, such as PayPal?

Available payment methods are:

  • Credit card
  • PayPal Cash Card
  • PayPal Business Debit Mastercard
  • PayPal Key

If you have a Personal account, you can request a PayPal Cash Card, which is a debit card.

If you have a Business account, you can apply for the PayPal Business Debit Mastercard.

PayPal Key is a virtual card that can be used at any online merchant that accepts Mastercard. PayPal Key is available to a growing number of Personal and Business account customers. If you see the PayPal Key option in your account, follow these steps to complete the setup.

What currency is supported for top-ups?

Payments are made in USD.

If your account currency is euro, the balance is deposited in USD. At the end of the month, an invoice in euros is generated for the amount of spent money.

Where can I find my balance history?

Go to the Payment history tab on the Voximplant billing page.

Payment history

Where to get documents of performed services?

Go to the Invoices tab on the Voximplant billing page.


Select the invoice and click Download.

The documents are generated for the amount of spent money from the Voximplant personal account balance for the month.

How to get documents of performed services if I switched to the Free plan?

If you have switched from a commercial plan to the Free one, then access to the Voximplant billing account from Bitrix24 will be limited.

To get the documents for performed services, contact Voximplant support at When applying, you will need to specify the Bitrix24 address.

Where can I find the exact call price?

You can find the exact call price in the Rates tab on the Voximplant billing page.


Prices for calls are listed without taxes.

Will payment for telephony in Bitrix24 On-Premise be different?

For Bitrix24 On-Premise, all charge actions and limits will be the same as to Bitrix24 Cloud version. You need to upgrade your Telephony to the last version.

Is SIP-connector also paid in Voximplant?

No, it is not. The SIP-connector rental fee does not change.

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