
Know Your Partner

Dear Bitrix24 Partner,

We want to hear from you and get to know you better.
Here is a dozen questions survey. Please fill in the form to help us make the right choice and know you better.

Thank you for your participation!

Best regards,
Bitrix24 Team

Introduce yourself
Your first and last name
Country and city you operate in
Your company name
Your current occupation / role in the company
Your company industry/business profile
Where did you hear about Bitrix24 products?
Please fill in if you select other
What do you like about our product?
What do you love most about the product?
What can we do better?
If you can add one crucial feature to the product - what will it be?
Did you have experience selling technical solutions before B24?
Are you focused on selling only Bitrix24?
How many employees do you have?
Was this information helpful?
Integration specialist assistance
That's not what I'm looking for
Complicated and incomprehensible text
The information is outdated
It's too short. I need more information
I don't like the way this tool works
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