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Main menu in Bitrix24

The main menu is a right-side panel where the main tools and sections of Bitrix24 are located. Each user can customize the menu. The administrator can configure the menu for the whole company.

A user can:

An account administrator:

By default, the menu is presented in the collapsed form. To expand it, click the menu icon next to the Bitrix24 logo or the company name. Click Configure menu to proceed to customization.

Change the sorting

Click on a menu item and hold it down to move it to the desired location. You can hide tools that you do not plan to use in the More section.

If you want to add a tool to the menu, click on the star icon next to its name.

To see the available actions with an item in the menu, click the pencil icon.

Add a link

You can add a link to any Bitrix24 tool to have quick access to it.

  1. Click Configure menu - Add custom menu item.
  2. Specify an item name and add a link. Save your changes.

Change the primary tool

The order of menu items depends on the primary Bitrix24 tool. The Collaboration section is selected as primary tool by default. To change it, go to the menu settings and select Change primary tool - Confirm. The selected section will be located at the top.

Reset menu to default

If you want to reset the previous menu settings, click Configure menu - Reset menu. The sorting will be changed, added items and links will be removed.

The default menu is the menu that was set when Bitrix24 was created. If the administrator made changes to the menu, the default menu will contain the last settings.

Set menu for everyone

A single menu is a menu set by the Bitrix24 administrator. The administrator can choose whether to set the menu for all users or only for new users.

If the administrator added his/her own items to the menu, they will also appear in the menu of other employees. Tools that users have added on their own will remain in their menu.

Check if this option is available on your Bitrix24 plan.

Click Configure menu and select Set my menu for everyone.

Hide tools

The administrator can hide tools that are not used in the company.

Configure sections in the Bitrix24 main menu

Hidden sections and tools will be completely disabled in your Bitrix24.

In brief:

  • The main menu is a right-side panel where the main tools and sections of Bitrix24 are located. Each user can customize the menu. The administrator can configure the menu for the whole company.

  • You can add a link to any Bitrix24 tool to have quick access to it.

  • The order of menu items depends on the primary Bitrix24 tool. The Collaboration section is selected as primary tool by default. To change it, go to the menu settings and select Change primary tool - Confirm. The selected section will be located at the top.

  • If you want to reset the previous menu settings, click Configure menu - Reset menu. The sorting will be changed, added items and links will be removed.

  • Bitrix24 administrator can set the menu to all employees or hide tools that are not used in your company.

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