
Work reports

Work Report is a document containing information about employee's work made for the certain time period.

Check if this tool is available on your plan. You can find all the information about Bitrix24 plans on the pricing page.

Configure a reporting system

Go to the Company section - Time and reports and select Work reports.

Click the Settings button in the upper right corner. Then click gear icons next to the employees and the departments to configure the reporting system.

Select the report period: daily, weekly, or monthly. You can also specify a specific day and time.

Reporting parameters can be set by an administrator, a company/department supervisor or HR department supervisor. The Human Resources and Management groups are available only in the Bitrix24 On-Premise version.

How reports are displayed

  • Gray - report is not confirmed;
  • Yellow - report is confirmed without scoring;
  • Green - the report is scored positive;
  • Red - the report is scored negative.

Report filters

You can also use filters at the top of the section.

You can use the filters to select a specific reporting period, a specific department/employee, and to show statistics on the reports.

Check the Statistics box to see Rates of reports with scores and Rates of positive scores.

Filters depend on the access level:
  • Employees can enable/disable statistics.
  • Administrators, Human Resources and Management departments also see the filter by department.
  • Department heads additionally see a filter by employees.

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