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Create automation rules and triggers

It is easy to create an automation rule or a trigger. First, decide what script to implement with the automation rules. Select the desired ones and then configure them.

Read more information in the articles:

Triggers track customer actions or CRM events and move the item to the stage with the trigger. Automation rules, on the other hand, do not track any actions. They perform actions and work when the item gets to their stage.

To go to the automation slider, click on the Automation rules button in the CRM section.

Read more information in the article: Sales automation page in CRM.

To add an automation rule or a trigger, click on the Create button or on the + sign under the stage.

Automation rules and triggers are now in the same list. To make it easier for you to distinguish a trigger from an automation rule, we have added a Trigger marker after the action name. You can also use a filter to find them.

Do not forget to select the stage for which you are setting up the automation.

Automation rules and triggers are divided into groups. The groups are formed according to the basic business cases.

Select an automation rule or a trigger and click Add.

Next you will see a system notification that an automation rule or a trigger has been added, but the window will not close. We recommend adding robots to all stages first, before configuring them.

The automation rule you have just added will be highlighted in yellow. This makes it easier to distinguish between the automation rule you need to set up and the ones that are already configured.

You can check if the automation rule worked or not. To do this, open the Automation tab in the item form.

In the slider, the status of automation rules and triggers is displayed by the background color and the icon. There are the following possible options:

  • Green background and check mark — the automation rule started up and performed the action.

  • Green background and red icon — the automation rule started up, but did not perform the action. The tooltip displays the reason why the automation rule did not work.

  • White background and circle icon — the automation rule has not started yet. For example, it has to be triggered after the previous one or the automation rule has a pause.

  • White background without icons — the automation rule did not start. For example, the condition was not met.
Read more information in the article: Conditions in automation rules.

Actions with triggers

To remove the trigger, click on the cross.

You can also copy and move triggers to other stages. Click the copy button or drag the triiger to the desired location with your mouse.

Actions with automation rules

Automation rules can be created, copied, moved, changed and deleted. These actions require access permission.

Read more information in the article: Access Permissions in CRM.

To change, copy or delete automation rules, click the corresponding icon. There are two options for copying automation rules:

  • Copy one robot. A copy of the automation rules is created and can be dragged to any stage. For this script, click Copy on the automation rule form.
  • Copy and move group of automation rules. This way you can copy and move automation rules between stages, deal pipelines and CRM entities.
Read more information in the article: Copy and move automation rules between stages, pipelines and CRM entities.
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