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Sales boost

When the company customer base is gradually growing, it becomes not easy to attract new clients. So it is important to work with your audience and achieve repeat sales. In Bitrix24, you can easily run a repeat sale process for a group of clients using the sales boost.

Sales Boost is a tool to automatically create repeat leads and deals. You can create special offers for your clients, such as a birthday discount.

Check if the Sales boost option is available on your plan. You can find the information about Bitrix24 plans on the pricing page.

How it works

Let's consider the example of a car wash, which decided to attract customers with a special campaign.

For each car wash visitor, we created a deal and a contact, and specified the transport type in the custom field.

Now let's use the sales boost option. Go to the Marketing section and select Repeat Deals.

You can choose one of the pre-installed templates or a custom one.

Now let's create a new customer segment.

Repeat leads can only be created based on good leads. The sales generator works with client types (contact, company) and does not work with a static list.

For example, we are interested only in motorcycle owners. In the filter, select the Motorcycle value in the Type of transport field.

Let's save the segment, then specify a name for new deals and define the queue of responsible employees. You can assign deals only to those employees who are currently at work.

Now let's define the task that the manager will receive. The employee will see this text as a comment in the new deal form.

Click Save and start the sales boost.

Bitrix24 system will create repeat deals with a comment for managers.

You can find the work status on the Marketing - Sales Boost page.

Pre-installed templates

When you start the sales boost, you can choose a pre-installed template. We've prepared templates for birthdays, recent deals, and different holidays.

Hover your cursor over the question mark to see the campaign details.

The templates also contain blanks for the conversation with the client. All you have to do is to choose a script and start working with repeat sales.

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