
Bitrix24 Messenger settings

In Bitrix24 Messenger, you can configure the following settings:

Open the Settings (⚙️) icon in the chat sidebar to get started.

Design and layout

Set the background for all chats. Decide if messages should be left-aligned or centered.


In the Notifications section, you can turn off the notification sound and adjust the ability to mark your notifications as read automatically.

Select the Simple or Advanced notification mode. In Simple mode, all you need to do is decide where you want to receive notifications:

  • In the web version and Bitrix24 Messenger app.

  • By email. Email notifications are sent in 5-10 minutes and only when you have not viewed them in a browser or the app. Automatic notifications come from Bitrix24 no-reply@ sender.

  • As push notifications on your mobile.

In Advanced mode, you can choose which notifications to receive from different sections of Bitrix24. For example, to get notified only about new comments on tasks, find this option in the list and select where you want to receive notifications.


Choose what happens when you press Enter in a chat. If you often send quick messages, it is handy to use Enter to send them. If you prefer longer messages and make lists in chats, set Enter to start a new line instead.

Recent chats

Enable the Show birthdays and Show invited users options to have chats with colleagues who have birthdays or new employees pop to the top of the chat list. Thus, you won't miss congratulating or greeting them.

The Show message text option lets you quickly see what a message is about without having to open the chat. If you are often in public places or sharing your screen during meetings, you can turn this off to keep your messages private.

Bitrix24 Application

In the Bitrix24 Application tab, you can configure operating mode, automatic start, opening links, and sending of technical data.

Start two applications: use one app for chat only, and another app for other Bitrix24 activities. The app has two modes. One mode shows both a chat window and another window for Bitrix24 tools, while the other mode is chat-only.

If you want to mix chatting with work on tasks, documents, or other tools, use the first mode. If you just want to focus on chatting, switch to the chat-only mode.

Run on system startup. Set the app to start automatically when you turn on your computer.

Always open chat in application. If you are working in a browser and start a chat, it will open in the app instead.

Open Bitrix24 links inside chat (using slider form). All Bitrix24 internal links will open in a side slider, not in a new window.

Send anonymous usage statistics to Bitrix24. You can opt to share your computer's technical data. This information helps us improve the Bitrix24 app and check how it works on different customer hardware. We only collect essential technical data:

  • Bitrix24 Messenger app version
  • operating system
  • CPU and GPU model
  • amount of RAM
  • frame rate when running AI
  • speed of the neural network when working with the background
  • video frame size for video calls
  • type of background mode
  • number of open windows in the application
  • version and type of browser within the application

In brief

  • In Bitrix24 Messenger, you can configure the chat background and message layout.

  • Decide if you want to mark your notifications as read automatically. Customize notifications from Bitrix24 tools and select where you want to receive them.

  • Choose what happens when you press Enter in a chat. You can use it to send a message or start a new line.

  • Opt to show birthdays and invited users to move chats with colleagues who have birthdays or new employees to the top of the chat list. Hide message text in the chat list to keep your messages private.

  • In the Bitrix24 Application tab, you can configure operating mode, automatic start, opening links, and sending of technical data.

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