
Martha AI assistant in support chats

Martha AI is a friendly virtual assistant that enhances your Bitrix24 experience by providing quick and clear answers in support chats.

Martha AI responds to questions in the following languages:
en - English
de - German
la - Spanish
br - Portuguese
pl - Polish
fr - French
ae - Arabic
it - Italian
id - Indonesian
vn - Vietnamese
ja - Japanese
tr - Turkish
th - Thai
ms - Malay
sc - Simplified Chinese
tc - Traditional Chinese

Here is how Martha AI functions:

  • Automatically joins all new support chats
  • Quickly responds to inquiries about Bitrix24
  • Transfers the conversation to a support specialist if it can't provide an answer

Chat with Martha AI is available on any plan. Only commercial plans allow Martha AI to transfer chats to a support specialist.
Pricing page

Contact Martha AI

Administrators and Bitrix24 partners can initiate a chat with Martha AI.

  1. Click on the Question icon in the top right corner.
  2. Select the New or Getting Started section.
  3. Click Ask a Question.
  4. Type your inquiry.

Ask Martha AI a question

To receive a response from Martha AI, it's crucial to clearly articulate your request.

Provide a detailed description in one message. Martha AI will generate a response as soon as it receives your message. For instance, if you sent "Hello", Martha AI will reply to the greeting.

Explain step-by-step: what you are doing, the outcome you get, and the result you want. Ensure there are no typos or grammatical errors that could alter the meaning.

Hello! I have a task in the Tasks and Projects section. I want to change the deadline, but the field is inactive. I can't modify the deadline. How can I adjust it?

Describe the situation in text if you send a screenshot. Martha AI does not analyze images, so text will help understand your request and provide an accurate answer. A screenshot may be needed if Martha AI transfers the conversation to a support specialist.

Use the correct names of Bitrix24 tools. This will help Martha AI understand the question faster and provide an accurate answer.

Can several employees use one API key in the e-Signature for HR?

Ask Martha AI clarifying questions. Request the AI assistant to explain in more detail or rephrase the answer. This will help you better understand the information and continue the conversation without contacting a support specialist.

Can you explain in more detail how to configure notifications for new tasks? Write step-by-step how to do it.

Use the buttons under Martha AI answers:

  • Solved — click if Martha AI resolved the issue. Do not click if you want to ask Martha AI clarifying questions or need time to verify the answer.
  • Yes, this is my situation — click if your question matches the situation Martha AI described.
  • No, my situation is different — click if the answer does not fit, and ask Martha AI an additional question.

Connect an operator to the conversation

If Martha AI can't answer the question, you can connect a Bitrix24 support specialist to the chat. This option becomes available after the AI assistant has attempted to answer your question three times.

Click Connect operator.

Chat with Bitrix24 support is available only on commercial plans.
Pricing page

In brief

  • Martha AI is a virtual assistant that answers questions in Bitrix24 support chats.

  • The AI assistant automatically connects to all new support chats.

  • If Martha AI can't answer the question, an operator can be connected to the chat.

  • Chat with Martha AI is available on any plan. Only commercial plans allow Martha AI to transfer chats to a support specialist.

  • Administrators and Bitrix24 partners can write to Martha AI. To ask a question, click the Question icon in the top right corner.

  • To get an accurate answer, clearly formulate the question: describe the situation in detail, use the correct names of Bitrix24 tools, and ask Martha AI clarifying questions.

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