
Complete and confirm a work report

The Work Reports tool enables you to effectively manage your employees' performance, track tasks, and evaluate their progress.

Work reports

Fill in the report

When you finish a day, a week or a month, a report form will pop up automatically.

The report form contains several fields:

  • Report - include everything that was done during the specified reporting period.
  • Plan - make plans for the next reporting period.
  • Files - attach files to the report.
  • Tasks - include tasks that you have done.
  • Events - are added automatically to your work report if you have confirmed participation.

When you complete the report, your supervisor will be notified of it. You will also receive a notifications when your supervisor confirms the report.

Once the report has been approved by your supervisor, you will no longer be able to edit it.

If you have not sent the report

If you have not completed a work report for some reason, you will see a notification on the Work reports page.

Confirm a work report

When employees complete the work reports, the supervisor needs to review, comment, and evaluate them.

The employee will receive a notification in Feed that the work report has been confirmed.

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