
RPA: create a new workflow

To create a new workflow, go to the Automation section in the left menu. Open the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tab - All processed.

Any employee can create a workflow.

Click the New workflow button.

The number of workflows you can create depends on the plan. Read more information on the pricing page.

Specify in the slider:

  • In the Workflow section, specify the workflow name. If necessary, you can disable the When created, move items to the next stage after created option, but we recommend doing this only if it is necessary.

  • In the Workflow start section, specify employees who will be able to run the workflow.

  • In the Access permissions section specify employees who can edit the workflow.

  • In the Workflow image section, select a suitable icon.
Read more about fields and access permissions in the articles:

After that, save the changes.

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