
Rules for subscription purchase

From June 1, 2023, new rules for subscription purchases came into effect. A number of limitations has been added to the subscription renewal, upgrade, and downgrade processes.

What has changed

If you wish to renew your current plan, please note that:

  • the current subscription can be renewed manually no sooner than 30 days prior to the current subscription expiration date. If the auto-renewal option is enabled, the current subscription will be renewed automatically;

  • the current subscription plan can be renewed only once for a period equal to or less than a year: 1 or 12 months;

  • there can only be one renewal purchase made at a time.

If you wish to downgrade to a lower-tier plan, please note that:

  • a downgrade purchase can only be made no sooner than 1 day before the current plan's expiration date;

  • you can make only one downgrade purchase at a time.
Downgrading your subscription to a lower-tier plan means you will have to wait your existing subscription expires. Disable the auto-renewal option to avoid the unwanted renewal.

If you wish to upgrade to a higher-tier plan, please note that:

  • the upgrade purchase can be made at any time;

  • the selected subscription will be applied instantaneously.


  • upon the initial purchase, the automatic renewal is enabled by default. While it is enabled, your subscription gets renewed automatically on a set date every 1 or 12 months, depending on the selected billing period.

  • you can check your subscription's auto-renewal status on the Subscription page > Purchase history (Active or Cancelled).
If you still have questions, please contact our Sales team in the support chat or at for assistance.
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