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Conversations: how to find Open Channel chats

Conversations section of Contact Center contains all Open Channel dialogs. Work with dialogs and search for the necessary ones using special filters.

You can see detailed information about each dialog: type, status, channel, client, CRM record, communication channel, responsible employee, etc.

By default, each employee can only see chats, which he/she is responsible for. Access to all dialogs is allowed only to employees with Administrator and Manager access permissions.

You can configure the top menu fields to see the information about the dialogs that you need. Click the settings icon in the left corner and check the items that will be displayed in the menu.

Top menu

Find the dialogs you need using a filter. You can configure filter by employee, dialog status, as well as by client name and contacts.

The filter has three dialog statuses: Client awaiting agen's response, Agent responded, and Conversation closed. If you need to add another status, select the Status (detailed) field.

If you need to read dialog history, you can find it in the Actions column.

If a dialog is linked to CRM, you can quickly switch to the client's form. Select an item in the CRM record column.

You can see full statistics on Open Channels on the Conversation statistics page.

    In brief:
  • The list of dialogs helps you to work with customer chats and search for the necessary ones using special filters.

  • Access to chats is determined by access permissions settings.

  • Detailed information is displayed for each dialog: type, status, channel, client, CRM record, communication channel, responsible employee.

  • The conversation history is available for each chat.

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