
Deadline view in Tasks

Bitrix24 has several views for working with tasks: List, Deadline, Planner, Calendar and Gantt. Each of them helps to emphasize certain elements of tasks.

The Deadline view is suitable for employees who need to do everything on time. Tasks are automatically organized into columns depending on the deadline specified in them.

Switch to Deadline view

Select Deadline view to control tasks: which ones you need to do first and which ones you can postpone.

Web version
Mobile app

Go to the Tasks section and select the Deadline view.

Go to the Tasks section, tap the three dots (...) > Task view and select Deadline.

Deadline view stages

All tasks will be categorized into the following columns:

  • Overdue
  • Due today
  • Due this week
  • Due next week
  • No deadline
  • Due over two weeks

Open a task from the list to view or add a comment.

Web version
Mobile app

Each stage will contain tasks depending on the deadline set in them.

Go to the required stage in the top menu, which contain tasks depending on the deadline. For example, see which tasks need to be completed this week in the Due this week stage.

Create a task in the Deadline view

Create a new task at a particular stage, and it will automatically have a deadline corresponding to that column.

Web version
Mobile app

Click the + Quick Task button under the desired stage and enter a task name. To create a detailed task, click the Create button and enter the required information. The task will be moved to the column according to its deadline.

Go to the required stage and tap the + button. Fill in the task fields and tap the blue arrow icon. The task will appear on the stage.

Move a task to another stage

Change the task stage and its deadline will be automatically changed.

Web version
Mobile app

Move a task from one column to another. Its deadline will be automatically changed according to the new stage.

Tap on the task stage and select a new one in the list where you want to move it.

Enable the Assignee can change deadline option to let the assignee change task deadline.

If you move a task to the Due next week or Due over two weeks stage, a new deadline will be set in the task - the last working day of the week. The last working day depends on Bitrix24 settings. If you specify a "Monday - Friday" work mode, it will be Friday. If you work on weekends, it will be Sunday.

In brief

  • Bitrix24 has several task planning modes. The Deadline mode is available in the web version and mobile application.

  • The Deadline mode consists of six stages that depend on the specified task deadline.

  • Create a new task at a particular stage, and it will automatically have a deadline corresponding to that column.
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