
Disable BI Builder when downgrading plan

If you switch to the Basic or Free plan, you need to disable BI Builder manually. When switching to the Standard plan, BI Builder stays active, but you can't set permissions to create dashboards.

Switching to the Basic or Free plan

When your commercial plan subscription ends, you have 15 days to disable BI Builder and switch to another plan. During this period, the Disable button will appear in the BI Builder section.

To disable BI Builder,

  1. Start the plan compatibility check.

  2. Click Open BI Builder page.

  3. Click Disable on the right to turn off BI Builder.

When you disable BI Builder, all settings and user dashboards are deleted. If you switch back to a suitable plan later, you'll need to set up dashboards again.

Switching to the Standard plan

BI Builder and its dashboards stay active, but you can't manage permissions for creating dashboards. This limitation is applied automatically. If you switch back to a suitable plan later, your previous roles and permissions will return, so you won't need to set them up again.
Configure access permissions in BI Builder

In brief

  • On the Basic or Free plan, you must disable BI Builder manually, which deletes all settings and user dashboards.

  • On the Standard plan, you can use BI Builder and its dashboards, but you can't set permissions to create dashboards.

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