
FAQ: chats and calls

This article contains answers to the most frequently asked questions about chats and calls.

Can an account administrator view and delete chat messages?

An account administrator does not have access to chats they are not participating in.

Can I join a private chat if it no longer has a creator?

When the creator leaves the chat room, his/her rights are transferred to the next member of the chat room. You can contact this person to log in to the chat room.

If the chat owner is fired, his/her rights are not transferred.

Is it possible to delete the message history of a general chat room?

Messages can only be deleted one at a time.

General chat

Is it possible to disable General Chat?

You cannot disable General Chat completely, but you can restrict the ability to write messages to it in the account settings.

How can I delete a chat room?

The ability to completely delete a chat depends on the type of a chat. General and one-to-one chats cannot be deleted.

A group chat can be deleted by its creator:

  1. Go to the chat.
  2. Open the sidebar.
  3. Click on the dots at the top right and select Delete.

What notifications are counted next to Messenger?

In the left menu, the counter next to Messenger shows the number of notifications from direct and group chats that aren't muted.

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