
Company Pulse

Company Pulse is an overall indicator of user activity in the account. It allows you to keep track of how well Bitrix24 is integrated into the daily work of your company on the whole and on a tool-by-tool basis. Company Pulse uses the notions of rating, activity and feature usage. The data are calculated based on the chosen date, user and feature.

The changes in Pulse are applied at different points in time. Thus, a specific employee’s rating in People regime is updated immediately. In Company regime when choosing Today as a time period, the data are updated every minute, in Week or Month view – every hour.

The tool is shown in two parts:

  • Widget – shows the current status.
  • Pulse – shows the usage statistics.
Only intranet users' activity is taken into account. Extranet users are ignored in Company Pulse statistics.


Widget is situated on the right of the Feed. It shows the summarized company data.

The first indicator shows the Activity index, the second one – the percentage value of Feature usage. These data refer to the latest hour only and may differ from the similar data in Pulse which are calculated based on the chosen date range. Activity and Feature usage indexes are recalculated every minute, but they cannot be updated dynamically. You should reload the page to check if there are any changes.

Company Pulse

Click on the widget to open the Company Pulse. This tool provides a breakdown of use of conversations, tasks, likes, comments, etc. and compiles it into a usage rating.

  1. Name of the tool (Likes, CRM etc.). If you check the general data, Company Pulse will be displayed in this section. For this and other indicators, there is an explanation available. Click the "?" for the full description of this indicator’s meaning.
  2. Date range filter. By default, Today is chosen as a time period.
  3. Switch between company and individual ratings.
  4. Your company name.
  5. Rating, activity index and feature usage percentage value.
  6. Data chart.
  7. Main Bitrix24 tools.

Date range

You can choose a time period for which you want to receive data. It can be for the current day, week, month, or year.

When using Week or Month view, you can easily select any specific date from the chart to see the detailed statistics for that day.

Switch between People and Company

The Pulse shows data across the entire company or for individual employees. You can switch between the Company and People regimes and evaluate the activity rating of any employee.

When using the People regime, all data is shown for an individually selected employee.

That employee’s rating, activity index, and the average index for his or her department on the whole is shown. For example, the activity index shows the sum of various activities which the user has performed in the intranet using one of seven listed tools over a given period of time.

There are four lines on the chart:

  • blue – the selected employee's activity rating.
  • orange – your activity rating.
  • green – the company's average value.
  • gray – the average for the selected employee's department.

In addition, in the bottom section with main tools you will see the average for the company and the user’s department instead of the Feature usage index.

For example, here are the data of the particular employee on the Chat and video tool:

Depending on the chosen time period, the graph will show days or months. You can simple move the cursor across the graph and the individual data points will show up.

General rating

You can see each employee's rating in general or on any selected tool.

General rating shows the number of tools an employee uses in Bitrix24. It helps you analyze the activity of your whole team and assess the 'adoption rate' of individual tools.

A user is added to this list if he or she applied at least 3 actions to one of the main tools. For example, in tasks: it is enough to create a task and add two comments to it.

Not involved tab shows the list of employees who use less than 4 tools. Or, in case you check this tab in rating on a specific tool, it shows the users who don't use this tool at all.

Main Bitrix24 tools

Of course, most important is the bottom section, where all 7 main tools of the product are shown and you can see the rating on each individually. The numbers show the quantity of:

  • Social Network – messages and comments;
  • Likes – likes for posts, comments and other items;
  • Tasks – actions applied in tasks (creating new tasks, adding comments, extending deadline etc.);
  • Chat and video – messages and calls in Messenger;
  • Drive – files uploaded to Bitrix24 Drive (using Bitrix24 Messenger app);
  • Mobile app – actions applied in mobile app (any changes are counted: messages, changes in tasks, in CRM etc.);
  • CRM – actions applied in CRM (changes in leads, deals, contacts etc.)
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