
GDPR for Employees app

General Data Protection Regulation came into effect on May 25, 2018. We developed an application that allows you to meet these requirements concerning Bitrix24 user rights to erase, anonymize, and provide data portability.


Find the app in the Market section of your Bitrix24 account:
GDPR app in Bitrix24.Market.jpg

Click Install to proceed:

Install GDPR for employees.jpg

After you read and accept the applicable Terms and Conditions, click install once more:

GDPR for employees. Installation form.jpg

Finish the installation process:

GDPR for employees. Finish installation.jpg

When redirected to the application's settings page, it means the app is now successfully installed:

GDPR for employees. User settings.jpg

Enable both of the master settings in the Application settings tab. These options are required for correct data anonymisation and deletion. The app will highlight the options for a more intuitive navigation. 

Click Save to apply changes and you'll be good to go.

GDPR for employees (master settings off).jpg

GDPR for employees (partially off).jpg

GDPR for employees 1.jpg

The app allows you to satisfy GDPR's main requirements for Bitrix24 users:
  • Personal data erasure - article 17 of GDPR provides that the data subject has the right to request the erasure of personal data related to them on any one of several grounds. The app ensures deletion of personal data for any Bitrix24 user.
  • Personal data anonymisation - under the GDPR, it is applicable to transform personal data so that the resulting data cannot be attributed to a specific data subject. The app makes it possible to anonymise personal data for any Bitrix24 user.
  • Personal data portability - the right to data portability is provided by Article 20 of the GDPR. The app allows downloading a file that contains all of the personal data of a Bitrix24 user.

My personal data

This is where any user can download, anonymise or delete their personal data:

GDPR for employees. My personal data tab for regular users.jpg

Administrators can only download their personal data. If other options are required, administrator privileges need to be revoked first.

My personal data section.jpg

When downloading user data for portability, you get a notification with a link to an archive with CSV files containing user personal information on that Bitrix24 account:

Personal data archive (imnotify).jpg

User settings

In this section, you can configure the rights to erasure and anonymisation for your Bitrix24 account users individually:

Right to erasure anonymization GDPR.jpg

If you do not have the above options check under the Application settings tab:

GDPR for employees (master settings off).jpg

Dismissed user settings

Find a dismissed employee in your Bitrix account and anonymise or delete their personal data if needed.

Dismissed users tab GDPR for employees.jpg

More on GDPR compliance in Bitrix24 in our articles:

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