
Planner view in Tasks

The planner is a special view mode that is similar to kanbanKanban board is a popular project management tool. In its most basic form, Kanban is indeed an actual board that features multiple columns (To Do, In Progress, Done) and a bunch of sticky notes, each representing a particular task in a particular stage. board. It helps you stay organized when working on tasks. This is your personal space, which you can customize to be exactly how you want it.

Get into Planner view

Web version
Mobile app

To access the Planner view, go to the Tasks section and switch to the Planner view.

To switch to the Planner view, go to the Tasks section, tap the three dots (...) > Task views, and select Planner.

By default, the Planner view has only two stages: Not planned and To be done this week. You can edit them or create your own custom ones. If you have already added some tasks in Bitrix24, they will remain at the Not planned stage.

Task stages in your planner don't have any connection with task deadlines. Take it into account, and when creating stages, don't forget about the task deadlines.

Add a custom task stage

Create new stages (columns) in the Planner view to distribute your tasks between them.

Web version
Mobile app

To add a new stage to the Planner,

  1. Hover the cursor over an existing column.

  2. Then click the + sign on the right.

  3. Specify a new column name and color.

To move a stage, drag and drop it to the desired place.

Open the list of stages and tap the pencil icon in the top right corner.

Then tap on + Create stage. Specify the stage name and color.

To move a stage, drag and drop it to the desired place.

Distribute your tasks among the new stages. Moving a task to another stage does not affect its deadline. Other employees won't be notified about such changes.

Move a task to another stage

Web version
Mobile app

Drag a task card to a different column to change its stage.

Tap on the stage name on a task card and select another one from the list.

Edit or delete task stage

Rename the stages and change their colors to distinguish them visually.

Web version
Mobile app

To edit or delete a stage,

  1. Hover the cursor over an existing column.

  2. Then click the pencil icon on the right.

  3. Rename the column and change its color. To delete the stage, click on the cross icon.

Open the list of stages and tap the pencil icon in the top right corner.

Then tap the pencil icon next to the stage you want to edit. Rename the column, change its color, or delete it.

Create a quick task

Web version
Mobile app

To quickly add a task in the planner,

  1. Hover the cursor over the + sign under the stage title.

  2. Click the + Quick task button.

  3. Fill out the quick task creation form.

If you create a task in its full form, it will be added to the first stage of the planner. Move it to another column, if needed.

Learn how to create a task

Select the stage at the top and tap on the + icon. Specify its name and complete the fields. The task will be added to the chosen stage.

In brief

  • The Planner view is your visual task board that consists of different stages.

  • It is available on the web version of Bitrix24 and in the mobile app.

  • Moving a task to another stage does not affect its deadline.

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