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Invite new users to Bitrix24

Invite your colleagues to Bitrix24 for collaborative work.

You can invite as many users as you want. Your subscription plan determines how many users can log in and work at the same time.
Bitrix24 pricing page
Number of users on Bitrix24 Cloud plans

By default, all employees can invite new users. Administrators can disable this:

  1. Go to Settings and open the Employees tab.
  2. Expand the Invitations section.
  3. Turn off the toggle switch next to Everyone can invite other users.

To add new employees, open the Invite widget and select a method.

Ways to invite employees

Invite via link. Copy the registration link and send it to the person. They can sign in using the link if the Allow quick registration option is enabled.

If you disable quick registration after sending the link, the person won't sign in.

There are also some additional settings:

  • Request administrator approval to join: New users need admin confirmation to log in.

  • Don't require confirmation for domains: Users with emails from specified domains can log in without admin confirmation.

Invite via email or phone number. Enter the email or phone number of the person and send the invitation. This will be their login.

Bulk invitation. Choose this method to invite many employees at once. Enter the phone numbers or emails, separated by commas or spaces. For each user, specify only one option (email or phone number).

Invite to department or workgroup. Invite users and add them to a specific department or workgroup. Use this method if you have already created departments and workgroups in Bitrix24.

Add new user. Fill in the employee's details (name, email, position, department). An invitation will be sent to the specified email. Enable to allow login without admin approval.

Invite extranet user. These users have limited access to Bitrix24 tools and can only join a workgroup or project.
Extranet users in Bitrix24

Enter the email or phone number of the person and select a workgroup.

Invite Bitrix24 partner. Bitrix24 partner is a special user who helps you customize Bitrix24 for your company.

Specify the partner email and click Invite. We will check to see if the email address belongs to a real partner. After that, they can access your account.
Invite Bitrix24 Partner

Invitation counters

Go to Company > Employees to see two counters: Invited and Pending confirmation. They help you track who has not accepted the invitation yet and confirm the log in of new users into Bitrix24.

Invited. The counter shows users who have not accepted the invitation yet. It is displayed in the employee list and the Invite widget.

Only administrators and employees who sent the invitations can see this counter. Administrators can see all the invitations; regular users can view only the ones they sent.

Click on the counter to see the list of invited users. If a person did not see the invitation, you can send it again. If you have entered an incorrect email, you can delete the invited user and send the invitation to another email. To do this, open the Menu (≡) and select Delete.

Pending confirmation. The counter shows users who have accepted the invitation but need admin approval.

Only administrators can see this counter.

The administrator can confirm or decline the log in:

  • Confirm log in: The user will be able to log in to Bitrix24.

  • Decline log in: Use this if you invited the wrong person. Open the Menu (≡) and choose Decline log in. The invited user will then be deleted from Bitrix24.

If you add an employee to a task, but they haven't accepted the invitation, you can't decline their login or delete them from Bitrix24. Such a user can only be dismissed.
Dismiss users

In brief

  • Invite colleagues to Bitrix24 for teamwork.

  • Use different methods: link, email/phone, department/group, or bulk invitation.

  • Invite extranet users and Bitrix24 partners.

  • Check invitation status under Company > Employees with Invited and Pending confirmation counters.

  • Resend invitations or delete invited users as needed.

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