
Tags in tasks and projects

Tag is a tool for managing tasks and projects. You can use it to classify, prioritize and filter tasks. You can work with tags in personal tasks and workgroup projects in Bitrix24.

Only an employee who has the access permission to edit the task can add tags.

Add tags to tasks

When creating or editing a task, open the More section and find the Tags field.

Click Add and select the tag from the list or create a new one.

The tags will be displayed in the lower right corner of the task form.

When you include the # sign in the task description, Bitrix24 identifies it as a tag and automatically adds it to the list of tags.

Edit and delete tags

Suppose you made a mistake and created the wrong tag. Click View Tags to edit it.

Click the action menu and select the Rename option.

You can also delete tags. Select the option in the menu.

  • Only the tag creator can rename it.
  • The administrator and the tag creator can delete it.

Tags in projects

If you add a tag to a task that is attached to a project, it becomes a group tag and all project participants can use it.

The difference between personal tags and tags in projects:

  • Employees with the right to edit tasks in the group can add tags.

  • Employees with the right to edit tasks in the group can remove the tag from the task.

  • Tags in the workgroup can be edited by: an administrator, a project owner, a moderator, or a scrum master, if you work in scrum.

  • An administrator, a project owner, a moderator, and a scrum master can delete the tag completely.

Filter tasks by tags

To filter tasks by tag, click on the search bar, add the Tag field and specify the tag.

The tasks with the specified tag will be shown.

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