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CRM History

The CRM History contains the detailed information about employees' actions with CRM entities.

Check if this option is available on your Bitrix24 plan. You can find all the information on the pricing page.

You can find the information about all CRM entities in the History section.

The table contains the following information:

  • Date — the day and time when the change occurred.

  • Entity — the name of the entity in which something has been changed.

  • Title — the link to the entity.

  • Created by — the name and the surname of the employee who made the change.

  • Event type and Description — information about the change.

What changes are recorded in the History

    Basic actions:

  • View

  • The value of the Name field has been changed

  • Stage has been changed

  • The Deal Stage field has been changed

  • The Responsible field has been changed

  • The Comment field has been changed

  • The Status field has been changed

  • The Phone field was added

  • The Work email field was added

  • The Type field has been changed

  • The Source field has been changed

  • A new document was created

  • A link was added

  • A link was deleted
    The history shows the link to a contact, company, lead, deal, invoice, quote and smart process.

  • The value of the Completion Date field has been changed

    Connection to the activity:

  • An activity was created
  • An email was send
  • An email was removed form the timeline
  • A call was created
  • A document was created
  • A task was created


  • A product was added
  • An Amount field was changed
  • Quantity of the product was changed
  • Tax was changed

Use the filter if you want to find changes for a specific entity or for a specific day. There are also preset filters: created today, created yesterday, and created by me.

You can delete a record from the history, but it won't undo the action.

Let's say you deleted a record that you changed the Amount field in a deal, if you delete the record about it, it won't undo the change in amount.

There is a History tab in each entity form. You can find a list of changes there.

What records in the history will the employees see?

The employee will see the history of changes in the entities to which access is allowed.

If an employee has access permission to view only the entities he/she works with, he/she will not see entries related to other entities.

Read more information in the article: Access Permissions in CRM.
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