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Canned responses

Canned Responses are predetermined responses to common questions that allow you to insert pre-formatted content into your messages.

Every sales manager wastes a lot of time responding to some frequently asked questions. To save your employees' time, Bitrix24 Messenger has a built-in tool - Canned responses.

This tool allows you to:

  • save already sent messages as canned responses;
  • add new canned responses while communicating with a client.
Check if this tool is available on your plan. You can find all the information about Bitrix24 plans on the pricing page.

Canned responses can be used for any open channel. Just open any open channel chat and click the corresponding button.

Click the arrow button next to an already sent message > click Save as canned response.

If you want to add a new canned response from scratch, click the canned responses icon > click the + button and add a new canned response.

Canned responses are divided into sections. When adding a new canned response, you can select a section that it'll be saved to.

To create new sections, click the cogwheel button.

All canned responses are based on Lists. You can find canned responses in the Automation section > Lists > Open channel.

You will be taken to the list settings. Here you can add new sections or canned responses. Click the Add button > select the needed option.

Also, you can click the Actions button to configure list settings, customize fields, show/hide sections or export the list to Microsoft Excel.

Read more about working with lists in the article - Example of working with Lists.

If you use several open channels, you can create a unique canned response list for each of them. Just select an appropriate list in the Auto Actions section when configuring an open channel.

Read more about configuring open channels in the article - Open Channel Settings.
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