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Email in mobile CRM

Email remains one of the main channels of communication with customers. Now you can communicate with them by email in your mobile CRM. The correspondence history is saved in the customer form.

You can connect a mailbox only in the web version, but soon this feature will appear in the mobile app. Read more information in the article: Mailbox integration.

In the mobile CRM, you can read, send, and forward emails, attach files, as well as unlink emails from the CRM and send to spam.

In the Bitrix24 mobile app, only emails that are related to CRM are displayed.

Create an email

Open the CRM form > the Details or Timeline tab, click the button with the list of communication channels and select the desired email. Or click the + button and select the Email message action.

The New Email window opens. Enter the subject and the text of the email. If necessary, specify the email address to which a copy will be sent. You can attach files to the email by clicking the paperclip icon.

When everything is ready, click Send.

You will see an outbound email in the timeline. You can open it or plan an activity on this email, for example, to call the customer and discuss the details.

Actions with an incoming email

You will see an incoming email message in the timeline of the CRM entity form. You can open it, schedule an activity or mark it as read.

The following actions are available to you in the incoming email: reply, reply to all and forward. If you click the Menu button, you can exclude the email from the CRM, mark it as spam, or delete it.

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