Automated solutions are a separate section for SPA, designed to automate the work of any department of your company. Bitrix24 now lets you manage access permissions specifically for this section.
Create SPA for automated solutions
Create roles with different permissions for departments and employees. For example, the HR department might have full access to the Hiring automated solution, while other users may only view items.
By default, only Bitrix24 administrators can configure access permissions and assign them to other users. You can choose to set permissions for all SPAs linked to an automation solution or just for specific ones.
You can configure access permissions for:
- Automated solutions
- All SPAs within an automated solution
- Each SPA individually
To set access permissions for automated solutions:
- Go to Automation.
- Click Automated solutions.
- Select an automated solution from the list.
- Open any linked SPA.
- Go to the Access permissions section.
- Select Automated solutions and choose who can create and configure them.
Edit automated solutions: Users can create automated solutions and link SPAs to them.
Edit settings: Users can configure access permissions to automated solutions.
To set access permissions for all SPAs linked to an automation solution:
- Go to Automation.
- Click Automated solutions.
- Select an automated solution from the list.
- Open any linked SPA.
- Go to the Access permissions section. A list of all SPAs and pipelines will appear.
To set access permissions for a specific SPA:
- Go to Automation.
- Click Automated solutions.
- Select an automated solution from the list.
- Open the required SPA linked to the automated solution.
- Select a pipeline to configure access. If there are multiple pipelines in the SPA, configure permissions for each one separately.
- Click the Settings (⚙️) icon.
- Select Access permissions.
Configure roles
A role is a set of access permissions given to a user. You can create and customize the roles you need.
The roles you set up under CRM access permissions will automatically appear in the access permissions for automated solutions.
Create or clone roles and decide whether to show them in the table. Click the three dots (...) next to Roles and select an action.
Create a role. Select Add new role and give it a name.
Clone a role. This is handy if you need a new role with minor changes.
- Click Clone role.
- Select the role you want to clone.
- All permission settings will be copied to the new role.
Show or hide roles. Keep only the necessary roles visible and hide the others. This is useful for comparing or editing multiple roles. Click Show/hide roles and check the ones you need from the list.
Set up a role. Click the three dots (...) next to the role name and select an action:
- Select all permissions: Gives full access to SPAs for the selected role.
- Unselect all permissions: Denies access to all SPAs.
- Rename: Change the role name.
- Clone: Create a copy of the selected role.
- Delete: Remove the role and all its settings.
Set up permissions
For each role, you can configure access permissions for actions with SPA items. For example, allow users to view all items, but to edit only their own.
Actions with SPA items.
Read: Allows users to view SPA items.
Add: Allows users to create SPA items. They won't see the items after creating them unless they have the Read permission.
Edit: Allows users to modify SPA items.
Delete: Allows users to delete SPA items.
Export: Allows users to download SPA items from Bitrix24.
Export CRM data -
Import: Allows users to upload SPA items to Bitrix24.
Import to Bitrix24 CRM -
Allow custom view form: Allows users to customize the SPA item form. Without this permission, they can only use the item form layout configured by an administrator.
CRM item form features and settings - Automation rules: Allows users to set up, edit, or view automation rules. This permission will appear if automation rules are enabled in the SPA settings.
Automation rules in CRM -
Amount on kanban stages: Hides or shows the total amount at the kanban stages. This permission will appear if the kanban is enabled in the SPA settings.
Move to stage: Specify whether users can move SPA items to any stage or only specific ones.
User can edit preferences: Gives users full access to change access permissions for automated solutions.
Access levels. Select an access level for each action with SPA items:
Access: Gives full access or denies access to the selected action, like modifying all SPA items.
User's items: Allows users to access the items where they are responsible.
User department's items: Allows users to access the items of their department's employees.
User dept. subdepartment's items: Allows users to access the items of employees in all subdepartments of their department.
All items marked as "Available to everyone": Includes all previous permissions and access to the items with the Available to everyone option enabled.
All items: Allows users to access all SPA items.
Inherit: Can only be configured for stages. SPA item stages inherit the permissions set for the item itself. For example, if you choose All items to read items, users with this role will view all items at all stages. If needed, you can set up separate permissions for each stage.
Assign employees to roles
Click the Plus (+) icon under the role name and choose a user, department, or workgroup to assign it to. For example, allow supervisors to edit and delete SPA items while letting other employees only view them.
Use the search
To quickly set up permissions to a specific item or find the desired action, use the search bar.
SPA items. Enter the SPA item or pipeline name. All permissions you can set up for them will appear.
SPA item stages. To set up permissions for a specific stage, enter its name. For example, you can find all the items having the In progress stage.
Actions with SPA items. Use the search to display a specific permission like Read for all SPA items.
In brief
Bitrix24 now lets you manage access permissions specifically for automated solutions. Decide who can add, edit, and delete SPA items.
You can create or clone roles and choose whether to show them in the table.
A new role is created without any default permissions, allowing you to customize it as needed.
For each role, you can configure access permissions for actions with SPA items. For example, allow a user to view all SPA items, but change only their own.
If a user has multiple roles with different access levels, the role with more permissions will apply. For example, if one role restricts viewing SPA items while another allows it, employees will be able to view these items.