To ensure stable and secure operation of Bitrix24 Messenger and application, we have introduced a 1,000 conversations limit on the number of simultaneous unclosed conversations per agent.
What does it mean?
This limit is applied to the conversations that for some reason haven't been closed by an agent.
If your employee has more than 1,000 unclosed conversations, new enquiries won't be transferred to this employee.
What to do?
Close conversations in time and force close spam conversations to avoid having too many unclosed conversations.
Configure the Queue settings in the Open Channel settings:
Idle time before forwarding to next agent in queue - configure this parameter so that agents in the queue would have enough time to reply to all enquiries, taking in account your experience and your company's needs.
Limit simultaneous enquiries submitted to an agent - enter the optimal number of enquiries that can be submitted to an agent.
Revoke conversation from an agent if their vacation is longer than - if an agent's vacation is longer than the specified number of days, his/her conversations will be returned to the queue.
In the Auto actions section, configure the Delay until enquiry is completely closed (after it was marked as closed by agent) and Conversation timeout to automatically close conversations if a customer doesn't reply to your messages.
If you don't have enough time to reply to all enquiries, forward some of them to the other agent.