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Jira migration app

Transfer your agile project management to Bitrix24 Projects and Tasks!

The app imports users, projects, sprints, epics, tasks and subtasks, as well as task comments from Jira to Bitrix24 so you can take advantage of the full range of tools with Bitrix24.

List of transferred items

  • Users
  • Projects
  • Jira boards
  • Task stages
  • Sprints
  • Epics
  • Issues (as tasks) 
  • Subtasks
  • Task comments
  • Attached files

Make sure to get acquinted with important notes on migration specifics:

  1. Data is transferred, i.e. copied from Jira to Bitrix24, on a one-off basis. The app is not designed for repeated sync of data and does not check for duplicates
  2. Purging data manually may result in errors if migration is still in progress
  3. Migration process cannot be paused or stopped once started. Make sure settings to apply preferred settings before starting the import
  4. Only administrators of your account can access the application and initiate the migration process
  5. The app allows for migration from Jira Cloud accounts exclusively as it is not designed for self-hosted Atlassian API

How to start

Your first step would be installing the app from Bitrix24.Market. The app is available free of charge.
How to find and install Bitrix24.Market apps

A settings page will be opened once you install the app. To proceed with data transfer, make sure to fill in the following fields:

  • Jira domain (e.g.
  • Email address (used as Jira login)
  • API token
Click onto Save & start synchronization button to initiate the migration.

Sync off. Fields to be filled out.png

How do I get an API token?

Follow this link to create a new API token.

We recommend generating a token on behalf of a user with substantial admin privileges in Jira. That will ensure you can import as much data as possible.

Please note that API tokens can be used to access product APIs to perform a wide range of authenticated operations, and as such should be kept secret.

New API token.png

Assign a suitable label for a new token and click unto Create.

Label for a new token.png

A new token will be generated right away. You'll be able to copy it in the next window by using the Copy button.

Copy the new token.png

Migration process

Migration process will start automatically as soon as you specify the API credentials and click unto Save & start synchronization button.

The items to be imported will be added to load queue and the sync status will be updated to active. You may now close the page as migration is a background process.

At first, the app parses data for migration. The parsing time depends on the number of items in your Jira account and can take up to 12 hours. After that, the migration process starts.

If you have a large amount of data, the migration process may take about 24 hours.

During the entire import process, the page will show how many items of each category were imported. Refresh the page to update the counters.

Migration status (load queue).png

You will receive a system notification as soon as migration is complete. Migration results will also be available in the app.

Migration completed.png

Furthermore, you'll be able to download an error log on items that could not be transferred.

How to download an error log.png

The log table contains five major columns:

  • Migration stage

    The stage at which the error arose: import or export. This information is valuable to the tech support team as it shows if the items could not be added to the database (import) or failed to be exported to your Bitrix24 instance (export).
  • Entity type

    Marks a specific type of the non-transferred item (such as user, sprint or epic, etc.).
  • Entity ID

    Unique identifier of the item.
  • Entity info

    Additional details such as item's name.
  • Error description

In our example there are two users with invalid email as well as draft epics with no name.

  Error log extract.png

Additional info on entities' transfer


Migrated tasks are assigned to responsible users in Bitrix24. If the assignee cannot be found, e.g. the user was not migrated for some reason, the tasks will be assigned to an administrator.

All imported tasks are assigned one of two statuses: Pending or Completed. The Completed status is assigned only if resolution date was specified for the initial issue.


Sprints' duration - including start and end dates - is imported from Jira. Should start or end dates of a sprint be missing or blank in Jira, the dates in question will be equal to the migration date.

If you would like to continue working with such sprints, make sure to change the dates and estimated duration prior to starting the sprint.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to Bitrix24 support team in case there is any doubt or need in our assistance with the migration.

Useful links

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