
Delivery services

Delivery of the product is usually the final step of working on a deal. That's why it is important to configure delivery services that your Online Store offers in advance. By default, there are two options available - Local pickup and Delivery service. You can add your custom delivery services and your clients will be able to choose the most convenient one when placing an order.

Go to Sites and stores > Payment systems and Delivery > Delivery services.

You can view all available delivery services in this section. Click Add > Custom delivery service to add a new delivery service.

In the General parameters tab, enter the name and description. This information will be shown to the customers when selecting the delivery service.

Then open the Handler settings tab and enter the delivery time and price.

Click Apply. After that, two additional tabs will appear. In the Restrictions tab, you can add restrictions by different parameters. For example, our express delivery is available only in a specific location.

Another tab is Extra services. For example, you can configure the additional door-to-door option. Finally, click Save.

This delivery service becomes available in the shopping cart, and the customers can select it with its additional service.

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