
Automation in e-Signature

Working with the e-Signature tool can be easier if you configure automation rules.

Click the automation rule icon in the e-Signature section.

An automation rule will move documents through all stages. You can configure different work scenarios to simplify your work routine.

Click the Create button to add automation rules and triggers. You can also click the + button in the stage column.

Automation rules and triggers are located in the same list. To make it easier for you to distinguish them, we have marked Triggers.

You can use the filter to see a list of automation rules or triggers.

Automation rules will perform the actions and Triggers will track the counterparties actions and events. They will be triggered when an item gets to the stage where the automation rule or the trigger is configured. Each automation rule and trigger performs only one type of the action: change the responsible person, create a document, etc. You can add several automation rules and triggers to one stage, and they can be triggered at the same time or in a specific sequence.

Read more information in the article: Create automation rules and triggers.

You can also use constants and variables to store information and simplify calculations in the fields.

Read more information in the article: Variables and constants in automation rules.

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