
Change Bitrix24 address and connect your domain

When you create your Bitrix24 account, it is assigned an address, for example, Such an address is hard to remember and pronounce, so it's better to change it.

Check if this option is available on your plan. Note that it is not offered during the trial.
Bitrix24 pricing page

How to change address

The administrator can change the account address in the Bitrix24 settings, but only once.

Click on the icon next to the company logo and select Settings.

Select My Bitrix24 tab - Bitrix24 address - Create address.

You can specify your company name in your Bitrix24 address —

How to use own domain

Use your own domain name for the Bitrix24 account, for example, instead of Only the account administrator can connect the domain to Bitrix24.

When you connect your own domain, such as, you transfer the management rights to Bitrix24.

To retain control over your domain, use a third-level domain, like This way, you can still use the second-level domain for mail, your website, and other purposes.

To change your domain name, you should add 4 records of IN NS type in the DNS editor of your domain:


You can delete other records for this domain if they exist.

After that, you should provide the full name of your domain, and the proof of change of the NS records you made. It can be a screenshot of the DNS editor.

How to activate Bitrix24 Support

After changing the domain, you need to:

  • Reconnect Open Channels
  • Reinstall widgets on websites (live chat, CRM forms, and callback)
  • Recreate application webhooks
  • Relogin in the application to resume your Drive synchronization

The actual data storage zone will not change after the domain change. Some peculiarities of this zone will apply for the account with own domain: the law on personal data, payment methods, prices and payment currencies, partner support and so on.

SSL certificate will be free of charge and will be renewed automatically after the domain change.

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