
Forgot login and password. What to do?

If you don't remember your account login, contact your Bitrix24 administrator for help.

Your login is typically equal to your email address. But there are cases where these data are different. For example, in the Bitrix24 On-Premise version, your login may correspond to your last name.

How to find a user login

Bitrix24 administrators can check a user login by following these steps:

  1. Open the user profile and click Passwords in the top right corner.

  2. In the Authentication tab, access the user's login information.

  3. Bitrix24 users can log in to the account using any login information: an email, a phone number, or social networks.
    Bitrix24 Network profile
  4. If needed, send them a link to recover password directly from this section.

How to find a user password

If you know your login but cannot remember the password, recover it using your phone number or email. Enter your login on the authorization page and click Forgot password. Then start the password recovery.
Password recovery

If you just registered a Bitrix24 account, you may not have chosen a password yet. Click the link in the email you received after registration to confirm your email address and set a password.
Set a password to log in to Bitrix24

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