
Create a detailed product page

The Catalog item block in Bitrix24 allows you to create detailed product pages for your online store.

Use the Catalog item block to create a detailed page for a single product. To create a detailed page for all products in your catalog, use the Clothing and Fashion template.

Click Add block > Online store > Catalog item.

Configure the block

Click Edit on the left to adjust settings.

Here, you can adjust the following settings:

  • Element ID: Select the product to display.

  • Show "Add to Cart" and "Buy Now" buttons: Select the buttons to place in the block.

  • "Buy" button text, "Add to Cart" button text, "Notify when back in stock" button text: If needed, enter custom text for these buttons.

  • Item not available message: Specify the message for when the product is unavailable.

  • Block anchor: Add anchor text for linking to the block.

Configure design and view settings

Click the Design button to adjust style and view settings.

Here, you can configure not only style settings but also view settings.

  • Properties: Select product properties to display (e.g., manufacturer, material).
    Create products and configure product catalog
  • Product label position and Discount percent position: Specify where the product label and discount percent will be displayed.

  • Product information block display order: Arrange the order of product information blocks.

Once configured, your detailed product page will be ready to use.

In brief

  • The Catalog item block in Bitrix24 allows you to create detailed product pages for your online store.

  • Customize settings like product selection, button text, and design elements.

  • Once configured, your detailed product page will be ready to use.

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