
Booking: Getting started

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Bitrix24 Booking is a tool for customers to make appointments with specialists, rent rooms and equipment.

  • Medical practitioners — doctor appointments, cosmetologists and health diagnostics.
  • Equipment rental — construction, sports, event equipment, etc.
  • Expert services— all types of counseling, repair work, beauty salon services.
  • Car rental — cars and special vehicles.
  • Property rental — banquet halls, apartments, houses, photo studios and so on.
  • Other — select this option if you don't have the desired business area in the list.

Online booking helps to automate the reservation process: to track the workload of specialists, send reminders to the clients about the visit and save data in CRM.

Check if this option is available on your Bitrix24 plan.

Add a resource

Resources are the people, equipment, and facilities that are needed to provide services.

You need to add resources to start using booking option. Any employee can add a resource. Go to the Booking section and click Add a resource.

Add a resource to Booking section

Configure reminders

Configure automated messages for customers to remind them about the visit and confirm the appointment. This will help customers not to forget about a scheduled visit.

Add a client to the booking form

Select a resource, day and time in the Booking section and click Create. Enter the client's details and add the deal. You can book a client for several appointments at once.

Add a client to the booking form

All entries are highlighted with colors: green - the client confirmed the entry, blue - not confirmed. Red counters will show how many clients have not confirmed the entry or are late. You can quickly determine the status of an appointment and contact customers to confirm.

Track resource workload

The Booking section has several tools to help you keep track of resource workload.

Statistics. You can view the number of new clients, the amount of revenue for each resource.

Filter. Select which resources to show in the schedule. For example, you can display the records of a specific doctor.

Workload of resources. To see how many slots are occupied on the selected day and the percentage of a resource workload, click on the battery icon next to it. This helps staff find less busy resources and add clients.

Resource bundle. Use this option if you need several resources at once for an appointment - the main resource and an additional one.
Add a resource to Booking section

To allow a separate additional resource to be booked for each primary resource, disable the Apply bundle restrictions to all option.

If the additional resource is shared by all primary resources, enable the Apply bundle restrictions to all option.

Schedule display.

  • Enlarge the schedule window - if you have a lot of resources and records.
  • Show all - display all resources in the schedule.
  • Zoom - if all records do not fit on the screen.

    In brief:

  • Bitrix24 Booking is a tool for customers to make appointments with specialists, rent rooms and equipment.

  • To start working with the tool, you need to create and configure resources. This can be done by any employee.

  • Enable automatic messages for clients to remind them about the visit and confirm the appointment.

  • Select the resource, day and time and click Create. Enter the client's details and add the deal.

  • You can view the number of new customers, the amount of revenue for each resource, and the total statistics for the day.

  • Use the filter to select which resources to show in the schedule.

  • Use resource bundle if you need several resources at once for an appointment - the main resource and an additional one.

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