
Return to previous Bitrix24 domain

When you create your Bitrix24, it is assigned an address consisting of three parts, for example, Such an address is difficult to memorize and to pronounce, so you can change it.
Switch Bitrix24 account to your own domain

There are situations when you need to return to the Bitrix24 domain: when you downgrade your plan or change the name of your company.

To return to the previous Bitrix24 domain, an employee with administrator rights should contact Support team.
How to contact Bitrix24 Support

After contacting Support, your Bitrix24 will be returned to the domain that was assigned earlier. This can be an address like, if you changed the third-level domain.

After changing the domain, you need to:

  • reconnect Open Channels.
  • reinstall widgets on websites: online chat, CRM forms, callback.
  • recreate application webhooks.
Check if your plan allows you to contact the Bitrix24 support team and rename your account domain.
Bitrix24 pricing page

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