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FAQ: Authentication

This article contains answers to the most frequently asked questions about authorization.

I forgot my password. How can I recover it?

To recover your password, go to the Bitrix24 Network profile page - Click the Forgot password button and follow the instructions.

Read more information in the article: Password recovery.

I was invited to the account, but I can't log in. What should I do?

Before logging in to the account, you need to register a login and set a password to log in to Bitrix24.

Read more information in the article: Log in to Bitrix24 account by invitation.

Why can't I log in via my social networking account?

The reason may be that you have several accounts on the same social network. One of them may be not linked to Bitrix24 Network profile.

In this case, try to use another account.

Why does the "User with this email already exists" error appear when I try to change the email?

This error occurs if you are trying to connect an email account which is already registered in Bitrix24. In this case you can use another email or unlink the desired email from the account.

Read more information in the article: Change my Bitrix24 login or password.

Why don't I get email invitations and password recovery requests?

First of all, check the Spam folder. If there is no email, try sending the invitation again.

Read more information in the article: Invite new users to Bitrix24.

If you use your own domain, we recommend adding the address to the whitelist of recipients.

I lost my phone, reinstalled the OTP app and now I can't log in without a one-time password. What should I do?

In this case, you need to set up two-factor authentication again or use the backup codes if you saved them. You can also contact your account administrator to disable two-step authentication.

Read more information in the article: How to update two-step authentication on a new mobile phone.

How long does it take to authorize a user?

The authorization period in the browser is 24 minutes. If you are inactive during this time, the system will ask you to authorize again.

The desktop application automatically extends the session.

How can I delete my account?

If you decide not to use Bitrix24, then you can take no action. We automatically delete inactive accounts with free plans, provided that no user has logged in for more than 50 days.

Accounts with commercial plans are not deleted.

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