
Uninstall Bitrix24 Market apps

Only Bitrix24 administrators can uninstall Market applications.

Expand the Applications section in the left menu and select Bitrix24 Market. Select Installed apps in the More menu.

There are two ways to uninstall the app:

  1. In the installed apps list. Select the app and click Uninstall in the menu.

  2. In the app form. Select the app, open its form and click Uninstall.

Check the Delete application settings and data box and click Uninstall.

The application will be removed from Bitrix24, but it can be installed again.

    In brief:

  • Only Bitrix24 administrators can uninstall Market applications.

  • There are two ways to uninstall the app: in the installed apps list and in the app form.

  • The application can be installed again.

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