
Telephony charges

Telephony is one of the mail tools your company can use in Bitrix24. Let's clarify some details of telephony charges, subscriptions, rental fees for the numbers, etc.

How much do calls cost?

Incoming calls

  • Incoming calls are free in Bitrix24, but there are some exceptions.

      Some countries require additional fees for incoming calls. You can find out the exact price for calls in your Voximplant account.
  • There is a monthly payment for renting a phone number. The price depends on your location. The rent is charged monthly, when the incoming calls on the rented number will be free for you.

  • If you rent a toll-free number, your clients will not be charged for calling you. You get charged for incoming calls instead of them (prices).

Outbound calls

  • If you use a rented number for outbound calls, such calls will be charged according to our provider prices as well as the rent. The payment for calls is also made via the Voximplant account.

      Please remember that call forwarding is, in fact, an outbound call, and it is charged accordingly.
  • In case of using the SIP connector to connect your SIP PBX, your telephony provider charges you for outgoing calls. Also, you get charged monthly for using the SIP connector ($49/mo.).

How long can a call last?

The maximum duration of incoming and outbound calls is 1 hour. This would be enough to solve the work issues and also help to avoid any technical issues.

When do I get charged?

After finishing a phone call, the funds will be taken out of your Telephony balance.

The monthly payment for renting a phone number is charged automatically after expiration of the rental term. In case you don’t have enough money for balance auto recharge, the rented phone number will stop working. The rent is automatically charged after you top up your balance, then you can continue using your rented number.

What will happen to my rented number if I don't pay on time?

If you have rented a number from Bitrix24 but didn't manage to pay for the rented number subscription renewal on time, here is what will happen next:

  • This number won't be taken from you immediately. It will stay reserved for your account for two months since the renewal due date.

    For example, if your subscription had to be renewed by 1st of July, the number will be reserved for you till 1st of September.  The number will stay reserved for your account for two months only and will be completely disconnected from your account after.
  • Incoming calls won't be available. Your clients will hear the sound of beeping as if busy.

  • If you had a rented number configured for outgoing calls, these calls will be routed through the default "main outgoing number" given by the system.

Your new subscription validity period will be countered from the due date of payment. For example, if your rent number subscription renewal due date was 1st of July, but you purchased it on 15th of July, your new monthly subscription will expire on 15th of August (not 1st of August).

When your telephony balance decreases to the minimum mark, the account administrator receives an email notification about it. The minimum is calculated dynamically based on your average telephony costs for the last 10 days. The email will be sent if you can spend the remaining balance in less than two days.

You can top up your balance via your Voximplant account. Read more about it in the article - Payment for Bitrix24 Telephony.

Where can I view call rates?

All the basic rates for outbound calls are available on the Bitrix24 website. Rates are set by Voximplant (our telephony provider), and you can find the detailed information in their call rates list.

If you rent a toll-free number, you can view the prices for inbound calls here.

To view call rates in Bitrix24,

  1. Go to CRM > Add-ons > Telephony and click on Top-up.

  2. Open the Rates section in your Voximplant account and select the needed tab.

To find out the exact price for renting a number,

  1. Go to CRM > Add-ons > Telephony.

  2. Click Rent a number and select the needed country and type of number.

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