
Sales Center overview

Sales Center is a tool for working with customers in chats and perform chat enabled sales.

Check if this tool is available on your Bitrix24 plan.
Sales Center is not available in the archived On-premise version of Bitrix24.CRM.

Go to the CRM section - Sales tab - Sales Center.

Here you can:

  1. Provide your clients with information about your company.
    Sales center: information pages
  2. Send contact info or reservation forms.
    Service booking via chat
  3. Create an order that a client can pay immediately.
    Accept payment in Open Channel chat

How it works

Connect messengers and social networks in the Contact center section.

Connect Open Channels

You'll get customers inquiries to Bitrix24 Messenger. An agent will just need to select an appropriate web page/form and send it to a client.

Connect payment systems and send a direct link to an order information page where a client can make a payment.

You can also use other chat enabled sales webpages or create new ones.

Connect payment systems in Sales Center

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Sales Center: Getting started Connect payment systems in Sales Center