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Troubleshooting workflows and automation rules

When using workflows and automation rules, you may encounter errors for various reasons. In this article, we've compiled some of the most common errors and how to resolve them.

This article will help you understand:

No employee specified in CRM item history

Error: After an automation rule or workflow starts, no employee is listed as responsible for the modification in the CRM item history.


  • The Modify item automation rule has an empty Change on behalf of field.
  • The workflow has the Modify element activity with an empty Change on behalf of field.


For automation rules:

  1. Open the Modify item automation rule settings.
  2. Click Select in the Change on behalf of field.
  3. Specify the Modified by role.

For workflows:

  1. Go to the workflow designer and open the Modify element activity settings.
  2. Click the three dots (...) next to the Change on behalf of field.
  3. Under Element Fields, select the Modified by role.

CRM History
Activities: Element Processing
Automation rules: Manage workflow items

Workflows and automation rules follow old scenario after editing


  1. Changes made to settings don't apply to active automation rules and workflows.
  2. Deleted automation rules or workflows continue to run.

Reason: Automation rules and workflows work based on the settings specified at the time they were launched. Those started before changes will continue to run with the old scenario.


  1. To update settings for an active workflow, complete it and restart for the same element.
  2. To stop automation after deletion, complete it within the element.

You can complete a running workflow in the item form or from the list of running workflows:
Delete automation rules in CRM and Online Store
Delete workflows

"Edit SPA item" activity or rule not working

Error: The Edit SPA item activity doesn't update the required item.

Reason: Automation rules, triggers, and the workflow designer are disabled in the SPA settings.

Solution: Enable automation rules, triggers, and the workflow designer in the SPA settings.
Configure Smart Process Automation in CRM

"Get CRM item information" activity or rule not working

Error: The Get CRM item information activity returns incorrect data.

Reason: The field filter in the activity or rule settings is empty or incorrectly configured. If multiple items match the filter, like having the same name, you'll only get data for the first found item.

Solution: Set a field filter in the Get CRM item information rule settings. The field value must be unique. It is recommended to set up a filter by the ID field, as this value is always unique. For example, add a custom field to track linked SPA IDs and use it in the field filter.

Activities: Get CRM item information
Automation rules: Get SPA item information

"In range" condition not working

Issue: You've set an automation rule to run from 7:00 pm one day to 9:00 am the next. However, if you set the condition as in range 07:00 pm - 09:00 am, the automation rule doesn't run.

Reason: The automation rule doesn't support the time ranges across two days and considers it as 9:00 am to 7:00 pm.

Solution: Define time ranges within the same day. To trigger the rule for deals created from 7:00 pm to 9:00 am the next day, set two conditions: in range 07:00 pm - 11:59 pm OR in range 12:00 am - 09:00 am.
Time settings in automation rules

"Modify item" automation rule with specific condition not running

Issue: The Modify item automation rule has a condition, such as running only for repeat deals – Repeat deal equal to Yes. If a CRM item is created via integration (using a webhook or application), the automation rule doesn't run.

Reason: The automation rule starts as soon as the item is created, and the webhook completes the item fields gradually. When the rule starts, the fields required for the condition may still be empty. Thus, the condition check fails, and the automation rule doesn't run.

Solution: In the automation rule settings, delay execution by 10 minutes. This allows the webhook to complete all the fields, ensuring the rule can run with the specified condition.
Automation rules: Manage workflow items

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