
Automation rules: Workflow automation

Automation rules and triggers in CRM help automate different work scenarios with customers. Automation rules perform routine actions: send emails and chat messages, set tasks, create documents. Triggers track customer actions and changes in CRM: viewing an email, paying an invoice, changing the value of fields in a CRM form. When the specified action occurs, the trigger moves the CRM entity to another stage.

To configure automation rules and triggers, go to the CRM section, select the desired item and open the Automation rules tab.

Automation rules and triggers are categorized into groups depending on the tasks they solve. We will tell you about the Workflow automation. You can customize the connection between CRM entities and SPA with the help of this group of automation rules.

Smart Process Automation in CRM: create automated solutions

Create SPA

When a CRM entity reaches a certain stage, the automation rule creates a new SPA item and fills in the required fields in it. For example, when a deal moves to the "Contract signing" stage, the automation rule creates an item in the "Contract preparation" SPA. The legal department sees the new application and start preparing documents for the client.

"Create SPA" automation rule settings

Let's create an automation rule in deals at the "Contract Signing" stage.

CRM item type. Select smart process in which the automation rule will create the new item.

Name. You can add information from the CRM form to the name of a new item: client name, title, deal type, etc.

Created by. Specify the employee on behalf of whom the automation rule will create a new item.

Responsible person. Specify the employee who will be responsible for the new element.

Available to everyone. This option affects the access permissions to the new SPA element.

Access Permissions in CRM

Pipeline. If there are several pipelines in the SPA, select which one you want to create the item in.

Stage. Select the stage at which you want to create the item.

Amount. You can automatically transfer an amount from a deal to SPA item.

Link to current item.The SPA item will have a link to the CRM entity.

When the deal is moved to the "Contract preparation" stage, the automation rule creates SPA item. A link to this element appears in the deal form in the Documents tab.

Edit SPA item

The automation rule changes the values of the SPA item fields: adds observers, changes the responsible person or the stage. For example, when a deal moves to a successful stage, the associated SPA item also moves to a successful stage. This scenario is useful when the deal and the SPA element must complete at the same time.

"Edit SPA item" automation rule settings

Let's create an automation rule in deals at the "Successful deal" stage.

SPA item type. Select SPA. The automation rule will change the SPA field values.

Field filter. It is a required field. To make the automation rule work for the SPA itme that is linked with a deal, configure a filter. Select a field and specify its value.

The field value must be unique. If the automation rule finds several items with the same value, for example, with the same name, it will trigger for the first found item.
It is recommended to set up a filter by the "ID" field, because this value is always unique.

Select field. The automation rule will change the value of the selected field. Several fields can be selected.

When you have selected a field, specify the value you want the automation rule to substitute.

Get SPA item information

It is a helper automation rule that receives information from the SPA item fields and passes it to other automation rule. For example, it receives data about the amount and the invoice number. Another automation rule sends an email with these data to the client.

Helper automation rules

"Get SPA item information" automation rule settings

Let's create two automation rules: "Get SPA item information" and "Send email to customer" on the invoice stage. When the first automation rule requests data about the amount and the invoice number, the second one will send it to the client.

Configure the "Get SPA item information" automation rule:

CRM item type. Select SPA. The automation rule will request information about this SPA item.

Select field. The automation rule will ask for information about the value of the selected field. If you need to select several fields, press Ctrl (Cmd on a Mac) and highlight the desired fields.

Field filter. It is a required field. Configure a filter for the automation rule to receive data about the SPA item that is linked with the deal. Select a field and specify its value.

The field value must be unique. If the automation rule finds several items with the same value, for example, with the same name, it will trigger for the first found item.
It is recommended to set up a filter by the "ID" field, because this value is always unique.

Then configure an automation rule that will send an email to the client with the number and amount of the invoice. Let's place it at the same stage.

Automation rules for client communication

When both automation rules have performed the actions, the client will receive an email. The text will contain the amount and the invoice number.

Delete SPA

The automation rule deletes an SPA item that is no longer needed. The automation rule is useful when you create a lot of test items that need to be deleted later. For example, when a test deal reaches the final stage, the automation rule deletes the SPA item linked with it.

"Delete SPA" automation rule settings

Let's create an automation rule at the "Deal Failed" stage. When the test deal gets to this stage, the automation rule will delete the SPA item created by another automation rule.


CRM item type. Select SPA in which you want to delete the item.

CRM item ID. Specify the SPA item ID. This is a required field.

How to know the SPA item ID

Each item has a unique ID. To find out the ID, specify this ID to the custom field of the deal using the "Edit item" automation rule.

Create custome field. Open the deal form and click Create Field.

Custom fields in CRM

Create "Modify item" automation rule. The automation rule will enter SPA item ID to the deal custom field. When an automation rule creates an SPA item, another automation rule will enter the ID of that item to a custom field. The value of this field can be used by another automation rule.

The "SPA item ID" custom field can be hidden in the deal form. Click the settings icon next to the field and select Hide option.

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