
Triggers in CRM

Triggers are a CRM automation tool. Unlike automation rules, triggers do not perform operations, but they can track actions from customers and some changes in CRM.

For example, you have sent an offer to a client, but you don't know if he/she has reviewed it. You can add the Track email message view trigger. As soon as the customer opens the email, the deal will be moved to the stage where the trigger is, and you will know for sure that you can call the customer.

There is no need to open each entity form to check details like the payment by the client or an employee's task status. Triggers will see the changes and automatically switch the entity to the required stage.

There are triggers in leads, deals, estimates, invoices, and smart processes. Check if this tool is available on your plan. Learn information on the pricing page.

Click the Automation rules button in the Kanban or the List view in CRM to configure triggers.

Create automation rules and triggers

Click on the plus button and select Bitrix24 Triggers in filter. Then you will see the list of triggers in different sections.

Triggers can perform only one action - move a CRM entity to the stage where the trigger is. The trigger name shows the condition under which it works.

For example, we add the Track responsible person change trigger in the second stage. When the responsible person in the entity form is changed, the trigger will move the deal to the second stage.

There is the Allow moving back to previous status option in all triggers. If you enable it, the trigger can move the entity to the previous stages, for example, from the second stage to the first one.

Triggers do not depend on the automation rules. For example, you have five automation rules in the first stage and one trigger in the second one. When the action happens, the deal will be moved to the second stage by the trigger.

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