
Activities: Drive

Copy/Move on Drive

The activity lets you copy or move files or folders on Drive.

See the description of the activity parameters below.

Source object: Select file or folder that will be copied or moved.

Drive file or folder: Specify additional data for the activity, for example, the ID of the earlier created folder.

Operation: Decide if you want to move or copy the item.

To: Several options are available:

  • User Drive: Move or copy the item to another user's Drive.

  • Social network group Drive: Select a workgroup or project Drive as the destination.

  • Public Drive: Send the item to the Company Drive.

  • Drive folder: Pick a particular folder for the item.

Run as: Select a user of whose behalf the activity will be performed.

Create folder on Drive

The action creates a folder on a Drive.

See the description of the activity parameters below.

Create in: Set where a new folder will be created. Several options are available:

  • User Drive: Create a new folder on another user's Drive.

  • Social network group Drive: Select a workgroup or project Drive for a new folder.

  • Public Drive: A new folder will appear on the Company Drive.

  • Drive folder: Pick a particular folder for creating a new one inside.

Folder name: Specify a new folder name.

Created by: Select a user of whose behalf the activity will be performed.

Delete Drive object

The activity deletes a Drive object.

See the description of the activity parameters below.

Source object: Indicate a file or folder that will be deleted.

Drive file or folder: Specify additional data for the activity, for example, the ID of the earlier created folder.

Delete as: Select a user of whose behalf the activity will be performed.

Drive object details

The activity gets Drive object details.

See the description of the activity parameters below.

Source object: Select a file or a folder to get more details on.

Drive file or folder: Specify additional data for the activity, for example, the ID of the earlier created folder.

Upload new version to Drive

The activity uploads a new version of an element to a Drive.

See the description of the activity parameters below.

Drive file: Select a file that will be updated.

File to upload: Add a new version of the file.

Upload as: Select a user of whose behalf the activity will be performed.

Upload to Drive

The activity uploads a file to the Drive storage.

See the description of the activity parameters below.

Destination location: Several options are available:

  • User Drive: Upload the item to another user's Drive

  • Social network group Drive: Select a workgroup or project Drive as the destination.

  • Public Drive: The file will be uploaded to the Company Drive.

  • Drive folder: Pick a particular folder for the item.

File to upload: Select a file that will be uploaded.

Upload as: Select a user of whose behalf the activity will be performed.

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