
Chat tracker

Bitrix24 has many communication channels. One of the main tasks is to recognize the customer.

Chat Tracker automatically recognizes the customer in the Open channels, combines dialogues into one profile and saves it in the CRM.

How it works

  1. A customer writes to you from a social networking site. A lead is automatically created in the CRM by the customer's name. When the customer specifies a phone number, it is also added to the lead.
  2. If the customer contacts you through another social networking site later, the system recognizes this person. When the customer specifies the e-mail, it is also automatically added to the CRM form.
  3. If the customer contacts you again through Online Chat, the system recognizes the person by the e-mail.

You can find an automatically created lead with all customer contacts in the Leeds List in CRM.

How to enable or disable the chat tracker

In Open channels, the chat tracker is enabled by default. You can disable or enable the chat tracker in the Open channel settings in the Queue tab.

Chat tracker works in the following channels:

  • Online Chat
  • Facebook messages
  • Bitrix24.Network
  • Telegram
  • Viber
  • Instagram: Direct

The chat tracker does not work in group chats, i.e. in channels such as:

  • Facebook comments
  • Instagram
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