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Import linked entities into CRM

In this article, we will tell you how to import linked contacts and companies, contacts and deals.

How to link a contact and a company when importing

First, import the companies. Go to the CRM section - Customers - Companies. Click on the gear icon and select Import Companies.

Read more in the article Import to Bitrix24.CRM.

Before importing, you need to prepare a data file. In the Import file example field, download the template and enter all the information about the companies.

Once the file is ready, upload it to the Data File field. Specify the Column separator and click Next.

In the Configure field mapping section, the Company Name field must be mapped to the CRM field of the same name.

Configure duplicate control and go to the last step.

Click Done to finish import.


Then, enter the contacts information. Be sure to add first name and last name.

You can also add additional fields to the file that relate to contacts, so that the file contains all the information about the client.

To import contacts, go to the CRM section - Customers - Contacts. Click on the gear and select Import custom CSV.

Upload the file to the Data File field.

In the second step, match the Company Name and Company fields. Make sure that you have mapped all the fields from the contacts to the fields in the CRM.

Specify what to do with the duplicates and complete the import.

Contacts and companies will be automatically linked to each other.

How to link a contact and a deal when importing

First, download the file template from your contacts, enter all the data and import it into your contacts.

Read more in the article Import to Bitrix24.CRM.

Go to the CRM section - Deals. Click the gear icon and select Import Deals.

In order for the system to recognize the contact when importing deals, you need to fill in some fields. If your CRM doesn't have contacts yet, check that the First Name and Last Name columns are filled in the file.

Then enter information about the deals to the file. It is especially important to specify the name of the deal, as this field is obligatory, and without it the import will not happen.

On the Configure field mapping page, select the Contact field for the First Name, Last Name field.

Then configure duplicates control and complete the import.

Import linked companies and deals is done in the same way.

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