
Contacts overview

Contacts in Bitrix24 contain detailed information about clients and are used when creating deals.

Contact list

Go to the CRM page - Customers - Contacts.

You will see the list of all contacts. The contact list contains basic information about the customers.

Use the search bar to find the contact. You can find a customer by name, phone number, or email.

Click the settings button to import or export contacts and perform a duplicate control.

You can find out how many contacts are in your CRM by clicking on the Total: Show quantity option at the bottom of the page.

How to work with contacts

Click the Create button to add a new contact.

The contact form consists of several sections where you can store detailed information about the client, and the timeline shows the connection to other CRM elements.

The form is customizable so that its appearance best suits your company needs.

Available actions

You can perform basic actions with a contact: view, edit, copy, delete, etc. Also, you can plan an activity or create a new CRM entity: a deal, an estimate, or an invoice.

If you need to perform an action with several contacts, check the boxes and click the Select action button.

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