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Duplicate Control

Management of duplicate records may be as important as either winning or losing a deal. To avoid confusion, all client details should be kept in a single record, since one lead or contact can have multiple employees connected to it.

Bitrix24 provides a Duplicate Control option that helps you find and merge duplicate leads, contacts, and companies. If some fields have different values, you'll be prompted to select what value will be used when merging CRM records.

    Employees can perform duplicate control only for their own records and those they can access. Duplicate control won't be available if you don't have access permissions to update and delete CRM records.

    Read more in the article

How to find duplicates

To find duplicates using the Duplicate Control option,

  1. Go to Contacts, Companies, or Leads section.

  2. Click the gear button and select Duplicate control.

  3. Select fields that duplicates will be searched by.

    The following fields are available:

    Leads: Full name, Company name, Phone, E-mail;

    Contacts: Full name, Phone, E-mail;

    Companies: Company name, Phone, E-mail.

  4. Click the Start scan button. Then you will see how many duplicates were found.

How to merge duplicates

To merge duplicates, do the following:

  1. Click Merge duplicates automatically.

    Duplicates without conflicts will be merged automatically. The remaining duplicates will have to be merged manually, or you can skip them altogether.

    If duplicates are merged automatically, you'll see the number of duplicates processed.

    If there are different data found while merging, you have to manually select the fields to use in a resulting profile.

    How to mark items as not duplicates

    Items that you do not want to merge can be marked as Not a duplicate. In this case, the automatic search for duplicates will no longer offer to merge them.

    Items are marked as non-duplicates for each user individually. For this reason, the number of duplicates available for merging may vary from user to user.

  2. Select the priority CRM record from the list. It'll be used as a foundation for the merge result.

    Some fields may have different values when merging CRM records. Select the one that you want to be added to the merge result.
  3. When you are ready, click Merge at the bottom. After merging is finished, you'll see the Success message.

    Once the CRM records are merged, you'll have one CRM record with field values that have been selected before merging records.

Why do I get the "Cannot auto merge due to data conflict" error?

Users may get this error if they do not have access to one or more custom fields.

That means you have made your custom field visible only to specific users. In this case, CRM does not show this field to other users, and they cannot choose which value to keep after merging the records.

To allow an employee to merge CRM entities, give him or her access to your field. If it contains any confidential information, delegate this task to a manager or employee who has access to view it.

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